Sedona Art Gallery-ALT Gallery features Northern Arizona’s finest secondary market artwork, thousands of unusual, rare & out of print books and vintage vinyl LP records.


Alt Gallery Books…

The subjects include: Art Photography Ceramics Sculpture Native American Art Native American Culture Native American Spirituality Sedona Arizona Southwest The West California Places Architecture Music Poetry Tibet Buddhism Yoga India Astrology Healing Esoteric Philosophy OSHO Ascension Near Death & Afterlife Conspiracy UFO Occult Cookbooks Childrens Judaism Sexuality Socialism Religion Biography Aviation Automobiles Firearms Military War Outdoors Ham Radio Literary Fiction



Some of the collections samples……

Botticelli Lightbown Elek 1978 2 volumes
Marcel Duchamp Chronologie Pompidou 1977 wraps
Marcel Duchamp Catalogue Pompidou 1977 wraps
Victor  Marcel Duchamp Roche Pompidou 1977 wraps
Litterature Jean Michel Place 1978 2 volumes
Sept Morceaux Ramuz Mermod 1926 softcover
magiciens de la terre Luque Pompidou 1989
Joseph Beuys Oilcolors Pretel Verlag 1981 signed
Yves Tanguy Graphic Work Wittrock 1976 835 / 1000
Miro Ceci est la Couleur… Seuil 1977 softcover
Man Ray opera grafica Anselmino studio marconi 1973 2 volumes
Bernard Louedin Biblioteque 1982 2 volumes
Vlaminck Orlan Sauret 1958
Minotaure Reprint Skira 1981 3 volumes
James Joyce Ulysses facsimile Octagon 1975 3 volumes
Florence Lost Ricci 1985 2 volumes
Max Beckmann Katalog Gopel Kornfeld 1976 2 volumes
Man Ray Electa Editrice 12 prints
Cranach Incisioni La Nova Italia 1970
Karel Appel Abbeville 1985
Rousseau Catalogue Raisonne Certigny Bunkazai 1984 2 volumes
Relief Sculpture of Ancient Mexico Toneyama Boston Book 1971
Monet Catalogue Raisonne vol 1 Wildenstein Bibliotheque 1974
Monet Catalogue Raisonne vol 2 Wildenstein bibliotheque 1979
Monet Catalogue Raisonne vol 3 Wildenstein Bibliotheque 1979
Les Paravents Japonais Screpel 1983 4 volumes
Paul Klee Notebooks Vol. 2 Wittenborn 1970
Esteve   (Maurice) Ministry Culture 1986 softcover
P Ryckmans Su Renshan Paris HK Centre 1970 blue case
Chana Orloff Gamzu Shakespeare 1980
Picabia Borras Albin Michel 1985
Chagall L’oeuvre grave Vol 1 Kornfeld Kornfeld 1971
Picasso Illustrated Books Geoppert Patrick Cramer 1983
Posters Braque Chagall Dufy Leger… Sauret Braziller 1959
L’art de Cavernes Leroi-Gourhan Ministre Culture 1985
Van Den Berghe Langui Mercatorfonds 1968
Braque l’oeuve grave Vallier Flammarion 1982
Picasso 1930-1935 Cahiers d’Art 1936 wraps
Dali 50 Secrets Magiques Edita Denoel 1974
Yves Tanguy Waldberg De Rache 1977
Max Ernst Les Collages Spies Gallimard 1984
Braque Lithographe Ponge Sauret 1963
Henri Matisse Oeuvre grave Duthuit 1983 2 vo. No DJ
Zurbaran 1598 -1664 Gallego Rizzoli 1977
Christo Running Fence Abrams 1978 signed
Depero Futurista Depero SPES 1978 Bolt Book
Gauguin 12 Woodblocks American Studio 1946
Le Monde de L’art N’est Pas le Monde Rene Char Maeght 1974
Lipchitz Sketches in Bronze Arnason Preager 1969
Tresors de Barcelone Lausanne 1986
Asturias Cercle D’Art 1964
Arabian Nights Burton Heritage 1962 3 volumes
Asger Jorn Crucial Years Atkins Yves Riviere 1977
Art Profane Gaignebet Presse Universite 1985
Julio Gonzalez Carmen Martinez 1975 9 volumes
Foujita Buisson ACR 1987
Delvaux Emerson Fonds Mercator 1985
Picasso  3 Volumes Bloch Kornfeld varies

 beckmann 1